
Trucs et astuces pour postfix

restriction de reception pour un domaine (à tester)

The instructions for doing this type of thing are documented here.

try something like this in

/etc/postfix/ :

    smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
        check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/inside_ips
        ...the usual stuff...

        smtpd_restriction_classes = insiders_only
        insiders_only = check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/insiders, reject

/etc/postfix/inside_ips :

            192.168.1   insiders_only
            192.168.2   insiders_only

/etc/postfix/insiders :

        my.domain       OK  matches my.domain and subdomains
        another.domain  OK  matches another.domain and subdomains