Vimwiki as your personal website

Use vimwiki as your favorite publishing tool !

Vimwiki settings

let mainWiki = {}
let mainWiki.path = '~/vimwiki/'
let mainWiki.template_path = '~/sites/'
let mainWiki.template_default = 'default'
let mainWiki.template_ext = '.tpl'
let mainWiki.path_html = '~/sites/' 

let g:vimwiki_list = [mainWiki]

Publish with yeoman

Yeoman is the web's scaffolding tool for modern webapps. Built on node.js, it inludes yo, bower ans grunt

Install yeoman

 $ npm install -g yo bower 

Install a generator

Choose your prefer webapp environement. Generator-webapp is Html5boilerplate qith Jquery, Modernizer and Bootstrap

 $ npm install -g generator-webapp

Finaly get started

Go to your project directory and run :

 $ yo webapp


Add a directory templates in root of the porject. Copy app/index.html to templates/default.tpl

Put those two vimwiki vars in your template :


Preview your wiki

In the directory of the project launch:

	$ grunt serve


In the directory of the project launch:

	$ grunt build

Process the whole thing

Within vim :

Within local www folder :

It's done' !


Automate all the stuff above !